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Practices That Contribute To A Spiritual Life

In our busy lifestyle, there are many healthy ways to keep yourself calm and center. One way is to cultivate a spiritual life. A spiritual life can be based on religion, but it can also be more of a holistic phenomenon, incorporating everything we do. What are some practices we can do to contribute to a spiritual life?


One practice that we can do on a daily basis is meditation. This is the process of transforming the mind. Typically it is done while sitting in a quiet place with your eyes close. It is normal for your mind to race, but in the practice of meditation, you work consciously to empty your thoughts while focusing on your breath. It is an effective way to calm your nerves and reduce your anxiety. Daily meditation practices, for even as little as 10 to 15 minutes, are recommended, especially for people with busy lifestyles.

Inner Quest

Your journey to understand yourself more can be found on many paths. Dreams are one way to determine what your subconscious is mulling about. A more traditional approach is with a psychoanalyst to explore your past and if your interpretations about what happened are real Astrology is another short cut to understand the duality that lives within each person. Lectures, books and workshops that you are drawn towards also contribute to your inner quest.

Conscious Reactions

Another practice that leads to a more spiritual life is the practice of consciously reacting to circumstances with a practiced and reasonable approach rather than overreacting. For example, if something is angering you, you have a choice of how you will react to that stimulus. If a person is screaming at you, for example, you may choose to walk away until the person calms down. This approach cultivates your spiritual center and prevents you from increased stress.

Daily Inspiration

Still, another way to cultivate your spiritual life is with daily inspirational quotes. There are many quotes available, often by famous people who have inspired people for generations, which are good to read on a regular basis. Inspiration quotes help us to understand the world, how we fit into it, and that we are no different than the people we meet. They encourage us and stimulate our activity. Reading inspirational quotes keeps us calm and nurtures our spiritual center.

Healthy Eating

One way that some people don't realize contributes to a spiritual life is the focus on healthy eating. Eating healthy food is good for the body and therefore good for the soul. Unhealthy food can cause physical disturbances that can make us feel poorly and ultimately cause us stress. But healthy eating keeps us feeling good and centered and contributes to our spiritual lifestyle.

These are just some tips that we can do to contribute to a spiritual way of life. Many more tips are available to those who want to practice a spiritual life.